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February 2024 Newsletter

Friendly Hound Studio Newsletter

Imbolc   February 2024

We have seen some stormy weather lately but snowdrops are appearing and bulbs starting to sprout, signs of life stirring underground. The delicate appearance yet resilience of snowdrops always gladdens my heart, reminding me that life reawakens after winter dormancy- Spring will follow! We spotted a stoat in it’s winter white Ermine coat out hunting along the stonewall outside the studio.

What’s happening at the Friendly Hound?

In the Friendly Garden we are starting to prepare for this year’s growing season, thinking about what we want to grow and where; also some tree pruning before the sap begins to rise.

Planning is happening in the studio too, we have been preparing workshops for the year ahead and we will be sending out further information and dates shortly.

In the workshop Jon has been carving beautiful mandala design pendants and brooches.

In the studio recently we have been weaving, exploring weave patterns and creating diagonal weave

colourful baskets.

Coming up we have willow coppicing, felting, and making bird boxes and feeders, with maker days starting this month.

This year’s Herbal workshops and Creative Woodcraft series both start up in March.

See for details. Spaces are limited so booking is essential.

Events we will be attending this Spring:

Borders Organic Gardeners Potato day in Kelso 3rd March

Northumberland Tourism fair 20th March

Hospice Care Spring Fair at Linden hall 7th April


This year we will be holding our Open days on 5th/ 6th May and 14th/15th September


Please get in contact for more information, to book a workshop or to discuss opportunities for therapeutic/creative art sessions/1:1/small group/family workshops and commissions.

Happy Imbolc!