Small Axe Creative Wood Craft specialises in craft production and teaching heritage wood craft to others. We aim to provide a safe and supported workshop environment inclusive and friendly. In 2024 Small Axe has a schedule of set date workshops open to the public and also a range of engaging workshops bookable on request for the public and guests staying at The Red Lion Cottage @ Friendly Hound.

We have an outdoor working area, large sunken firepit and studio space at The Friendly Hound to accommodate the workshop sessions.
Small Axe also has a large mobile workshop set-up, weather proofed and fully equipped to offer activities at events, venues, schools and any flat accessible space. Workshops can be tailored for different age groups, full day, half day and shorter drop-in activities.
We try to be as flexible as possible in what we offer and are always willing to discuss ideas and create custom sessions for clients.

Book the Master Wand Maker character to attend children’s parties with his mobile wand making workshop. This includes the chance for each child to make their own wand for me to embellish with a unique hand carved design and initials.

Workshops on offer include,
Introductory sessions in green wood craft, pole lathe and hand carving.
Making sessions including stools, shrink pots, spoons, gates and hurdles, hand carving into hard wood, wand making.

Jon Purkins is a traditional heritage wood crafter, specialising in delivering hands-on workshops for the public.
Over 15 years experience delivering workshops at events nationwide, local woodlands, my own property and at some of the most iconic venues in Northumberland. This including a 9 year residency at Bamburgh Castle, the role of Master Wand Maker at Alnwick Castle’s Wizard Weeks (Harry Potter) as well as being grant funded by AONB Northumberland Coast.

Small Axe wood craft workshops

@ The Friendly Hound
10am till 4pm with 30 min break for food. £70/day Group size 6 person max.

Spoon carving (indoors)
This workshop will focus on completing a spoon or even two in the day session. Working with pre made spoon blanks, the tutoring will focus on knife work and crook knife work and finishing techniques. Options to make a cooking spoon or eating spoon or both.

Carving into hardwoods– lettering, coat peg boards (indoors)
Covering design, tools and technique this session will allow the participant to create a unique carving into local hard wood. A decor
ative sign / plaque or a useful wooden coat rack.

Shrink pots
Shrink pots are a wonderful traditional way of making a container from a small fresh cut log.

Decorating techniques for shrink pots
Creating designs on shrink pots is a lovely way to embel
lish them. From making a fitting lid, to chip carving work and paint. Bring your own shrink pots from the previous day or buy shrink pots at cost on the day to work on (typically £10 – £20 each).

Pole lathe turning
A pole lathe for each partic
ipant means learning the basics and turning some useful items out of green wood will be possible during the day.

Stool making
Two days of stool making, with options to turn the stool legs of a pole lathe or fashioning split ash legs on a shave horse.
This particular workshop has an extra charge included for a pre made hardwood seat for the stool in oak, wych elm or beech.

Ash gate/hurdle

Mini gates/garden sculptures
During these day long workshop the art of splitting green ash wood into very useful even lengths. Once split and worked, we will assemble some structure, with the options of full size gates and hurdles, mini orn
amental gates and hurdles to use as garden features and plant supports.

Decorative Chip carving
Chip carving is a traditional form of Scand
inavian decorative carving using knife point. Lettering, geometric and flowing designs are achievable using established patterns and techniques.

To Book a place please email [email protected]

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